Day 6 | A dress I’ve been thinking about for two years

lost stripe wrap dress

This dress is new. To me.

I once saw it in a store window in Loft, fell in love, and since then I’ve been thinking about it, kicking myself for not buying it when I had the chance. Last week, I decided on a whim to go searching for it on Poshmark, and there it was, the literal dress of my dreams, up for sale from multiple sellers in varying sizes and conditions of wear.

I found one that I thought would fit me and that looked like it was in good condition. I lowballed the seller (a bad late-night of which I am not proud), she accepted, and then it was mine. The dress I had been thinking about for two. years.


Was it worth it? Yes, absolutely. In the face of the fact that wrap dresses are having kind of a moment in the ethical fashion world right now, it was wonderful to get my fix with a thrifted version that I already knew I loved and that didn’t contribute to the demand for new clothing. It’s nice for the office with a pair of nude heels and some statement earrings, or for summer weekends with flat sandals, less jewelry, and a straw hat (side note: I recently lost my straw hat and I am devastated).

I find a lot of good stuff on Poshmark – vintage designer bags and blazers, cheap Everlane jeans, a replacement for the exact Madewell silk blouse that I accidentally destroyed by sending it through the washing machine one too many times – it’s the place where I always start first if I’m planning to add something new to my wardrobe. This dress was a particularly satisfying triumph.

I’m not getting paid by Poshmark to write any of this, but I do want to quickly plug my referral link because if you haven’t used Poshmark before and you use my link to create a new account, you’ll automatically get $10 of credit applied to your first order. You’d be surprised how far $10 can go on Poshmark, especially if you’re a no-good late-night low-baller like me. Use invite code RKALAN to get the deal. It’s regularly $5, but Posh is running a limited time promotional offer for double the usual referral credit. And just in the interest of transparency, I’ll get $10 in credit on my account when you make your first sale from your own closet.

Sorry again for the light posts this week – I’m up against a deadline that I’m trying desperately to meet in the few hours I have to myself when I’m not working, commuting, blogging, or sleeping, but I’ll be back to longer form posts soon.





8 thoughts on “Day 6 | A dress I’ve been thinking about for two years

  1. Your dedication to daily outfits is INCREDIBLE. You should definitely not feel bad about it. I always like to plug ebay, too, because sometimes you can get the same thing there for even less than Poshmark (Poshmark’s seller fees are double ebay’s, too, so it’s better for the seller when you buy on ebay).


    1. Thanks Leah! I think the only reason I don’t use eBay very often is because it isn’t as user friendly, and I am super lazy 😅 I think I’d probably be able to find even better stuff if I did diversify my second-hand haunts, though.


  2. I can absolutely relate to regretting not buying a piece and years later trying to find it on Poshmark/Mercari/Ebay! Although I must say it’s a little more frustrating when it’s a rare piece. Sometimes listings may be generic with the description so you can’t narrow your search by the actual item name, and then having to scroll through hundreds of items. It’s worth it in the end though, like re-uniting with a piece of yourself that you suspected was missing (I may or may not be exaagerating). Loving all your outfits and conscientious choices. Keep up the good work!


  3. This dress looks great on you!

    I can definitely relate to the feeling of not buying some piece of clothing/shoes and then.looking for it a couple of seasons later on Vinted (it’s an online selling platform like Poshmark). I recently had the same experience about a coat from a brand that makes great quality pieces with a timeless design. I felt SO great when I found it!

    Good luck on your personal deadline and feel free to keep going with these lightweight posts, they are very much appreciated!


  4. This is truly the magic of Poshmark for me too. Items I wanted three years ago randomly pop back into my head, I do some strategic searching, and suddenly there are 20 to choose from!! Also lol at late night Poshmarking…especially when you submit multiple offers and then they all get accepted #oops


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